A new building next to our structure

Construction near us

Construction or property maintenance in the public way or on private property adjacent to the public way may have the potential to affect CTA bus and/or rail operations and supporting infrastructure.

It may not always be clear what impact such activities may have on us or our services and vice versa, so it's imperative that early coordination between contractors, owners, design teams and CTA staff imperative happens so requirements may be incorporated early in the design of your project and execution of your activities.

Our requirements are intended to maintain efficient and safe operations, protect its infrastructure, and in turn, our riders, employees and the public at large. Whether you're working near our infrastructure and/or affecting bus routes, guidance is provided below.

Working near CTA infrastructure or 'L' lines?

The safeguarding of CTA infrastructure, rail operations, and people are primary concerns.

In the design phase of your project...

Incorporation of CTA technical requirements early in the design phase of your project is imperative.  CTA’s Adjacent Construction Manual (ACM, see hyperlink below) includes such requirements along with general guidance. 

CTA infrastructure includes rail lines (above or below ground), rail stations, bus garages and shops, bus turnarounds, rail shops, rail yards, power substations, duct banks, etc.  There is CTA infrastructure that may not visible to you.  CTA Adjacent Construction Oversight can be contacted to provide guidance.

In the construction phase of your project...

CTA has requirements for the use of cranes, excavators, man-lifts, scaffolds, and various other construction equipment that may be used or erected near a CTA rail line. Depending on the work, a contractor may be required to attain appropriate flagging, inspection, and/or rail safety training to ensure that such work does not present a hazard.

Coordination with the CTA and its various Departments is required PRIOR to the start of any work that may affect CTA Operations and/or supporting infrastructure. It is the responsibility of the contractor/owner to contact the CTA to determine any requirements in order to receive approval to proceed. CTA’s Adjacent Construction Manual (ACM, see hyperlink below) and Right of Way Requirements document, see hyperlink below, include such requirements along with general guidance.  A representative from the CTA will guide the process and document any approvals that may be granted.

What you'll need to proceed

Working near a CTA bus route?

We have requirements for any construction in a public right-of-way where a CTA bus route operates in Chicago and surrounding communities we serve. Public rights-of-way include roadways, bridges or tunnels. Coordination with us and our various departments is required before the start of any work that may affect our bus services. 

It's the responsibility of the contractor/owner to notify the CTA a minimum of two weeks in advance (contact info below) of the start of any of the following:

  • Pre-construction meetings
  • Phase changes and re-starts of existing projects
  • Bus reroute requests
  • Bus stops or shelters affected by construction

What you'll need to proceed

System status snapshot
‘L’ route status
Brown Line
Normal Service
Green Line
Normal Service
Orange Line
Normal Service
Pink Line
Normal Service
Purple Line
Normal Service
Yellow Line
Normal Service
Bus routes w/alerts
Elevator alerts